For Aviation

Infini is the leading supplier of GDS solutions to the aviation industry in Japan

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For the travel industry

Infini provides a comprehensive range of products and services for the travel industry

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Bravo Passenger Solutions

INFINI is an investment, commercial, and local support partner in Bravo Passenger Solutions, which provides passenger system services to airlines and ferries throughout the world. Bravo also has customers in Europe, Asia, and Australia. The company provides the easy-to-use Avantik PSS system for reservations and inventory management, departure control, and extensive integrations including interline/codeshare, GDS, revenue management, and other systems with several bespoke solutions with unique requirements.


INFINI and Bravo are able to deliver innovative PSS solutions with deep distribution, local experience and knowledge which combines to deliver an effective, reliable and affordable solution for any mode of transportation.

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