ATPCO Routehappy
ATPCO Routehappy
In 2018, INFINI Travel Information, Inc. and ATPCO expanded their previous working relationship to give INFINI the ability to redistribute Routehappy Rich Content in the Japanese market.
ATPCO’s Routehappy Rich Content communicates targeted information, messaging, and visual content about airline fares, products, and services.
Routehappy Rich Content helps airlines and sales channels differentiate offerings in flight shopping displays, improving conversion, upsell, and customer satisfaction.
INFINI integrated ATPCO Routehappy rich content into INFINI LINX PLUS, its mainstay software terminal product for travel agencies in Japan. This content includes UPAs (Universal Product Attributes), Amenities, and UTAs (Universal Ticket Attributes) to bring booking agents consumer-friendly information about the specific attributes of a flight and fare to life.