INFINI Webinar: Data and Solutions for the Travel Industry Recovery

INFINI successfully held another installment of its ongoing product webinar series, aimed at discussing effective ways to enhance productivity and support travel agents rebuilding their business in an economy impacted by COVID-19, on September 30th.
The webinar provided an audience of 238 participants (of which 195 were travel agencies) with an in-depth analysis of recent market trends, based on the INFINI product “Data Stream”, as well as a range of INFINI products, such as INFINI Tripple, which delivers effective, real-time support for post-departure passenger handling with a user-friendly online itinerary.
INFINI also outlined its extensive range of training courses, which have been in high demand as travel agency staff take advantage of newfound free time resulting from the decrease in demand for travel induced by the Coronavirus pandemic to refresh their knowledge of INFINI functionalities and familiarize themselves with INFINI’s most recent product releases.
This webinar was repeated on October 15th for INFINI partner travel agencies and interested parties in the Fukuoka area.
INFINI will continue to listen to and share ideas with our travel agents and supplier partners about how to survive, then thrive, in this challenging environment. We encourage our travel partners to consider a new approach together to meet the changing needs of the traveling customer in the COVID-19 era.