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INFINI PNR Sync and PNR View
What are INFINI PNR Sync and INFINI PNR View? INFINI PNR Sync synchronizes PNRs saved in your host system with the PNRs in the INFINI system. This solution automatically sends any changes to the PNRs saved in your system,
See this product spotlightINFINI Multi-Access
What is Multi-Access? INFINI Multi-Access is a group handling product specifically targeted to the needs of the Japanese market. INFINI’s most successful group product is favored by airlines and agents alike as the most effective solution for this important
See this product spotlightDirect Access Interactive and Direct Connect Availability
What are Direct Access Interactive and Direct Connect Availability? INFINI’s Direct Access Interactive and Direct Connect Availability are essential tools for Japanese travel agents, delivering high-speed, reliable connectivity that ensures access to
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